Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 2015 TBR

February?! Weren't we just celebrating the start of January?

I didn't get as much read in January as I would have liked. I was able to finish three books and am working on both of my 2015 reading challenges.

Looking forward to these books:
Still working on this one! I am enjoying Stephen King's writing style immensely!
 I joined a second book club with my sister and this is the current read.
My middle grade level book. I hope it is one I can share with my students.
This little gem should be in my mailbox on Monday! I can't wait! I met my workout goal last week and this is my reward. I love Sharon Creech. I better finish some other books so I can read this one!

What are you hoping to read this month? Any sappy romances to go with the holiday?

1 comment:

  1. You know I'm reading Harold Fry, too, and this plot twist just happened, and you won't text me back so I don't know if you've read it yet....

    You also know how I feel about Valentines Day and sappy romances, so I think you also know that I will NOT be reading a book fit for the holiday. Hashtag grinch. (Or whatever the Valentines Day equivalent is.)
