Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Slice of Life Challenge...Take Four

Four years ago I stumbled on to Two Writing Teachers and the adventure of Slice of Life. Each March they have the Slice of Life Challenge and encourage writers to write everyday for the whole month. They even challenge writers in the classroom to participate. So, I pitched it to my class and got four girls to join me. I loved it, even though I myself wasn't successful with the challenge.

Now, is my chance to redeem myself! Fourth times a charm right? Oh wait, that's the third.

This year, most of my class said that they wanted to do it. We rounded up notebooks and recovered some of the old covers and are ready. I kept forgetting that it starts tomorrow and they would say they were so excited for Wednesday and I always had to ask why. I am hoping that this isn't an omen to how I am going to do. Did I mention that I have not ever been successful with this challenge?

I want to do this. I want to succeed. I want to be a writer, even if is is only for this month. I know that I am going to need topics to write about, so I have a slew of writing prompts to pick from when this time comes.

Year four starts tomorrow. The month of success. This time, I will complete the challenge!

Do you want to join me in this writing adventure?
What are some topics you could add to my What-should-I-write-about list?

Friday, February 17, 2017

17 Update

Anyone else have good intentions of doing something and then it doesn't get done? Story of my life!

I wanted to blog on or around the 17th of each month to update my journey with 17. Did you see one in January? Yeah, me neither. 

I win in February!

  • Read 17 adult books
    • 2 of 17 - I realized that last year I read a lot of children's books, which isn't bad, but I have been missing the adult world. So far this year, children's books are still winning. 
  • Read 17 children's books
  • Write 17 letters
    • I am not sure on the number on this one. I have started writing my sister every week on Sunday night to go out in the mail on Monday. I have also sent some extra ones. This goal won't be a hard one to accomplish.
  • Get 17 or more miles a week with Fitbit
    • 1 of 6 - This one is bothering me the most. A month ago I got in a fight with a patch of ice and the ice won. I haven't been able to walk around as much or as well for a few weeks. I think it is finally getting better and the beautiful weather we have had lately has helped. 
  • Blog 17 times
    • Does this post count? 2 of 17 - I have thought about blogging, just haven't gotten it done. 
  • Get rid of 17 things a month from around the house
    • 0 of 17 - I don't feel like I can give myself a point on this one yet. I got the first box of stuff ready and in the car for January and there it still sits. I keep forgetting to drop it off. The February box has been started. Maybe this weekend I can get this task accomplished.
  • Make 17 phone calls to people I don't talk to often
    • 0 of 17  1 of 17 - Apparently I just like to think of things and not actually do them. I have thought lots about who I want to call, but just haven't done it yet. WAIT! I believe I do have one! I talked to my good friend the other night for two hours! We were both up way past our bedtimes and it was really hard to get up and to school the next day, but it was worth it!
I am not super happy about these stats, but the good news is that I have 10 more months to improve!