In the book Olivia and Piper have a notebook that they write to each other in and pass during passing periods at school because they no longer have class together and can't talk as easily. I love the idea and the format of the book.
But mostly I like what each girl writes at the end of each letter. They make a list of five things they are grateful for. I have thought a lot about this the past few weeks I have been reading it. I really like the idea. I myself need to focus on the things that I am grateful for more often. Some times the girls had a hard time coming up with five, but they always did. Some days it is hard to find things to be grateful for, but I feel like this applies to that also:

If you can't thing of anything to be grateful for, you aren't thinking hard enough.
I am going to start thinking harder each day.
Here are a few things I have been thankful this week:
-The amazing growth our students have shown on their districts tests
-Blogging twice in one day (but making myself wait to post)
-Being able to pay off a credit card
-Automatic coffee makers
-Friendships that form when you least expect it
What are you grateful for?