Hard to believe that it is already June! With the month and summer break it is time to catch up on all those things that I neglect during the school year. This includes cleaning out the closet. If you are like me, I hate deciding if I want to toss clothes or keep them. This usually should involve a trying on session that most likely will leave one irritated. So I came up with another system and thought I would share it with you! At the beginning of the year and then again in June, I turn all of my hangers backwards. If I do this in January, then if by June the hanger is still backwards, that means I have not worn that item of clothing in six months and I need to toss it.
Since you do this every six months, then you should hit every type of season. For example, I am not going to wear any of my long sleeve shirts this summer, but fall and winter fall within that six months and therefor have been given a fair chance to be worn. If you haven't worn it, why keep it? So there you have it. On a side note, went on a walk today (need to go earlier in the morning or later at night, it was hot!) and saw this beautiful bush.
AND I am blogging while watching "Princess Bride" which is a total *heart flutter* Happy Sunday!
Hope those are the wild roses--they have the best scent!♥♫