Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Resolution

It is that time of year again, the time when you reflect on the past year and look forward to the upcoming year. Although I sometimes think that New Year’s Eve is a rather pointless thing to celebrate (all depends if I have plans or not.) I do enjoy the excitement of starting a new year. Ok let’s face it, I like the beginning of a new month too!

As many people do, they make New Year’s resolutions. I don’t know anyone who actually keeps theirs the whole year. Is that even possible? I am not exempt from this group of people. I have made them, and have given up on them just as quickly.

This year I want to say it is going to be different, but I do have that small fear that it isn’t going to happen. The difference this year, I REALLY want to keep my resolution.

I have thought and searched Pintrest and the Internet for some creative resolutions, but most of them are healthy/weight loss and even though I do need to get some work done in these areas, I didn’t want to have that as a resolution. I wanted something more *heart fluttery*

I kept coming across this quote every time I searched:
I took the quote and made my own "picture" of it.

So I got to thinking that maybe I wanted this to be my resolution.  What does this look like? How do I “measure” if I am still keeping up with my resolution? I suppose this can be shown in loads of ways, but I have picked one way that I want to focus on. Random Acts of Kindness.

Earlier this year I made big plans to do RAOKs every month and even wrote out a plan with ideas. Didn’t happen.

2014 is going to be different. On the 14th of every month, I am going to perform one RAOK, NO MATTER WHAT! There isn’t any good reason or excuse of why I couldn’t accomplish this task.

So please join me and hold me accountable to this resolution. Some the recipients will know that it was me, and others they will not. I will most likely blog about each one, unless it is to be anonymous and that person may read my blog.

I am pretty excited about my new motto and also for the fun of blessing others.

Two questions for you today:
  •   Do you make New Year’s resolutions? If so, what do you do and how do you do?
  •   Any ideas of RAOK I could do? I would love some creative fun ones.


  1. Heard in church that only 8 in 100 people keep their resolutions. As for a RAOK, after a snowy day at school, go out to the parking lot and brush the snow off of windshields. Have a broom ready and waiting in the car when snow is forecast.That would surprise and delight a lot of people!! Even if it isn't on the 14th.♥♫

  2. You know how I love RAOKs! I'll help you be accountable!
