I am not sure if today could have contained more joy and *heart flutters*! I am surprised that I am able to write this tonight because I am tired! I played hard today!
The day started with coffee at a fun coffee shop with my dear Kris. We really haven't seen each other much this summer and I have missed her! I look forward to school starting again when I get to see her every weekday! While having said coffee, we discovered that I can share her audible account! She has a plethora of books that I want to listen too! Here comes some long walks in my future!
Once we finished consuming some liquid heaven we made a quick trip to the library and then I was able to finish my book! Any day I finish a book I am happy.
I chatted on the phone with some friends and made plans for further adventures.
Chinese food was consumed for lunch with Erin. One of the biggest things I like about my friendship with Erin is that it is so low maintenance. We can go weeks without communicating and it is ok. Then we can catch up and go on with life.
I have to start this next part out with a huge sorry to Kindra. I just couldn't help it, I had to! Please forgive me! I went into my classroom to do some work. A good friend came in and helped me move furniture where I wanted it and even solved some of my problems that I was stumped on. I am so very happy with the layout of my room for the next year. We got it all done in about two hours, which is the fastest I have ever accomplished this task!
We then picked up two other friends and went to one of our favorite eating establishments for a tasty burger and fried pickles. Food really does taste better when consumed with friends and laughter.
I am not sure if I truly captured how happy I am with this day! OH and I got fun mail today!
How was your day? Did your *heart flutter*?
I'm so glad to be included in your heart flutter! Thanks for being a part of mine!