Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blogging Goals

The other day I blogged about my personal goal for 2014 and have decided to participate in more random acts of kindness.  Over at Finding Ninee the topic for Finish the Sentence Friday is goals we have for blogging, so that's what I am going to write about!

To be honest, hadn't really thought about what my blogging goals are until I sat down here on the couch with "Big Bang Theory" playing. Still not sure if I have any.

I want to participate in Top-Ten-Tuesdays over at The Broke and the Bookish and Finish the Sentence Friday. Other than that, whatever makes my *heart flutter* I would like to maybe add more to the look of my blog, but that may have to wait until this summer when I have more time to sit down with someone who knows what they are doing!

I just want to have fun and blog what I think.

Here is to what 2014 brings in the wold filled with the little things in life!


  1. Well, I'm glad you linked up with FTSF! It's a lot of fun and the Facebook group is good too. You can get the sentences for the next few weeks if you join the group.

  2. The "other Sarah" at The Blogging Bunch (Sarah K.) worked with me on mine and I LOVE what she did! Oh, and I hope your goals include lots more RAOK on those monthly Thursdays! (PS I set an alarm on my phone for a few days before to remind you...and encourage me to do one with you!)

  3. I think just having fun and going with it is a very perfect goal! I love the "heart flutters!!"

  4. Sounds good to me. That's what I always say - mine is a food blog, and I'm in it for the fun of it. :) [#FTSF] Oh, and I lovvvvvvvve The Big Bang Theory!

  5. Sounds doable! Glad to have found your blog, Sarah!!

  6. Big Bang Theory's always a win.

    And I love that your goal is so simple. I also have a little font's very pretty :)
