Saturday, August 3, 2013

I'm thinking....

Going into year eight of teaching, I find myself wanting to change up the small things. The current thought on my mind is the name of my groups. Currently I have colors for both reading and writing. I have the same four colors for each subject and that just seems so boring!

This wild idea came to me first at the end of last year and I asked my current class if they thought it was cool if I had "fun" names for my groups and they resounded with a YES! All summer I have been wondering what to do. First I thought of doing reading characters for reading and then authors for writing, but it just never seemed right. I couldn't hear myself shouting out the names I had picked out to call up the group.

Tonight I am sitting and watching the very first Muppet Movie and it hit me! I could do Muppet characters! There are a good eight of them and I could print out their pictures. Then I thought maybe I could do superheroes.

To sum it all up, I still haven't decided what to do and I have only a few days left!

Teachers out there, what are the names of your groups?

Non-teachers, you could have some good ideas too, what should I do?

1 comment:

  1. I used sports teams my first year: Broncos, Rockies, Avalanche, and Nuggets. I like the superhero idea.
