Friday, June 13, 2014

Thinking Out Loud Late At Night

Well hello! It has been a little over a week since I have shared some randomness! Well, tonight is not going to be any different! I just got home from a random grocery shopping trip at 9:30 at night. When the urge hits, sometimes you have to take it!

Tonight's theme: Thinking Out Loud. I stole the idea from Cassie and I don't have a clue where she got the idea. (How's that for siting my sources?)

Bucket List Vs. ?????
While visiting Jane and Henry in WY, Jane brought up a thought that she had been having for some time about my Bucket List. The name was just not sitting with her. Most people use a bucket list to do things before they die. As far as I know, I am not dying. (Although this back pain makes me think otherwise!) So, we came up with a new name, Adventure List! Most things on it are adventures to have!

Speaking of Adventure List...

Meatloaf....Check times 2
I have actually checked this one off twice. While in WY we made a meatloaf and then this week, Cassie and I had a date and made meatloaf for dinner. I have NEVER made a meatloaf. I know, weird. I think I was kind of scared to make one. It seems like no one really has a recipe and I don't have confidence to make one without. Then I realized the other reason I may not have made one yet is that it takes an hour to cook. I tend to want
Well I learned that you don't really have to have a recipe. You can throw whatever you want in the pan! I like that! I still need to make one for myself, but all fears have been cured! Thanks ladies!

Back Pain
Still struggling with back pain and it seems to be traveling down. Will probably go back to the doctor again this week. It is keeping me from getting things accomplished and I have stuff to do, adventures to have!

New Friends
I have a confession to make. I am a stalker. I stalk on the Internet. There are three people that I stalk on a regular basis. I want Tim, Em and Natalie to be my friends. I am still trying to figure out a plan on how to make this happen! Wish me luck!

Ok, that was rather random, but you get what you get. Hopefully soon I will have more material with substance. Just wanted to let ya all know that I am still here!

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