Monday, June 2, 2014

Book Thief...Check

We have another check off! Molly and I have been trying to watch The Book Thief for A. Long. Time. First, we would have to be in the same place at the same time and second, we would have to get our hands on a copy of the movie. Finally the stars aligned and we were in the same place at the same time with the movie!

Molly hasn't been much of a reader in the past, but she finally read The Book Thief and loved it. I still have the message on my phone from when she finished the book. I really enjoyed sharing this experience with her, both book and movie.

My dear friend, Dawnelle, invited us over for dinner and then to watch the movie. She made AMAZING spaghetti and pretty sure I ate my weight in pasta that night! Then it was time for movie and popcorn!

Josh, Dawnelle, Molly and Me
Molly and I have a hard time taking pictures together sometimes. Dawnelle was having fun just snapping and got these "fun" shots. Truthfully, these pictures are pretty accurate of who we are.

I enjoyed the movie and was glad that I hadn't just read the book. I could sit and enjoy the movie without comparing the two the whole time.

The best part of the whole movie was this:

 When Molly came in the next morning and "snuggled" next to me. She is pretty nice to have around.

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